Data Source Type: Lab Experimental Capability Node: LBNL PEC In-Situ and Operando Nanoscale Characterization Tags: PEC water splitting Measurement Types: JV Institution: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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  • Photoelectrochemically Self-Improving Si/GaN Photocathode

    12 Resources
    The resources are raw data for plotting the figures presented in the paper. These excel files includes the data of: photocurrent density vs voltage (J-V curves), photocurrent vs...
  • fig1c

    11 Resources
    Intermittent chronoamperometry (CA) testing was performed on Si/GaN photocathode in hourly manner. The LSV scan at 0 hour, 1 hour CA, 2 hours CA, 3 hours CA, 4 hours CA, 6 hours...
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