Ca‐Ce‐Ti‐Mn‐O‐Based Perovskites for Two‐Step Solar Thermochemical Hydrogen Production Cycles

Recipient: Washington University in St. Louis (PI: Robert Wexler)

Subs: Arizona State University (PI: Ellen B. Stechel), Ohio State University (PI: Shang Zhai)

Water Splitting Technology: STCH

Status: Awarded

Abstract: This solar thermochemical (STCH) hydrogen production project aims to maximize the efficiency of two‐step STCH with CaCeTiMn (CCTM), by composition engineering to achieve high efficiency. Partners will construct a multi‐scale computational method, optimize CCTM‐based perovskites, analyze the technoeconomics and demonstrate proof of concept of two‐step STCH with CCTM‐based perovskites.