HTE Supernode
Project ID | c280e9c3-4468-4142-bf00-3b5a9e7b0f50 |
Supernode IDEA: Supernode Capability to Characterize HTE Electrode Microstructure Evolution
Recipient Idaho National Laboratory (PI: Richard Boardman)
HydroGEN Node Experts
Idaho National Laboratory/INL:
- James O'Brien
- Dong Ding
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/LBNL:
- Michael Tucker
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,/LLNL:
- Brandon Wood
National Renewable Energy Laboratory/NREL:
- Robert Bell
- David Ginley
Sandia National Laboratory/SNL:
- Josh Sugar
Water Splitting Technology HTE
Status Awarded
Abstract A deeper understanding of high temperature electrolysis (HTE) electrode microstructure evolution as a function of local solid-oxide composition and operating conditions is needed to develop more active, longer-life electrodes. A supernode that advances and orchestrates four HydroGEN node capabilities to provide a unique capability to characterize and predict microstructure evolution of solid oxide electrode materials as a function of electrode materials selection, synthesis methods, and operating conditions. This supernode will support fundamental research and cell development being conducted by HydroGEN projects and commercial developers of HTE stacks. The goal is to help HTE cell developers achieve higher performance and lower degradation rates to reduce the costs of hydrogen production by HTE. The supernode will specifically focus on microstructure evolution within the porous cathode, nickel cermet- near, and at the triple point where water molecules dissociate. Once established, this supernode can all be applied to other material layers within solid-oxide electrolysis cells as well as other solid oxide electrochemical cells.