STCH 2.0 & 3.0
Project ID | 89dd9f05-ceb4-4b9f-9a92-7016b7860be9 |
STCH 2.0
Principal Investigators Anthony McDaniel, Sandia National Laboratories Andrea Ambrosini, Sandia National Laboratories
Water Splitting Technology STCH
Abstract *Goals: Comprehensively validate known STCH material properties and a focused, theory-guided material design effort addressing the capacity/yield tradeoff by: * • Developing a computational toolset to define and establish material performance targets. * • Rigorously assessing selected material formulations. * • Developing a materials search strategy for optimizing the capacity/yield tradeoff using DFT + Machine Learning (ML). * • Discovering new materials using the ML model and characterized by detailed calculations, synthesis, and experimental validation.